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The Importance of Hydration

ASU Paw Print

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Paw Print Editor: Brianna Robles

Water is a necessity that is crucial for the body to be able to regulate but we often don’t consider how much water we must consume, especially as athletes. On average a person should drink 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women. The importance of proper hydration is crucial as it is a way for our cells to absorbs nutrients and help our body function. We don’t often consider the negative impacts of not drinking enough water like for starters it leads to dehydration but can also cause issues such as not getting enough sleep and effects our moods as well. Our body depends on us to provide essentials that it needs, and water is one of the top priority our body depends on in order to survive. There are many benefits from drinking the correct amount of water in the day as it will improve one’s brain performance and allow a person to be more alert and concentrated while doing tasks. As athletes though we must make sure we meet the proper number of fluids a day or not it will begin to affect the way we perform.

During any physical activity the amount of water we drink before and after good hydration is keeping a balance. Water serves as a tool to regulate our body temperature and helps transport nutrients to give us energy during physical activity. If we don’t allow our body to reach the right amount of water, it will begin to reject the ability to perform during any physical activity and will decrease our ability to perform. When participating in sports the distribution of water in our body is a main essential as it will avoid issues such as getting a cramp in our muscles. Considering that Colorado is a place in which temperatures are always low and consistent of cold weather we often don’t think hydration is as important since we don’t encounter hot temperatures, but it’s actually more important that we stay on top of our hydration.

Our body needs to maintain a normal temperature, which is why we need to provide it with enough fluids to be able to regulate our temperature and keep it from dropping to a dangerous level. In cold temperatures it is important to stay hydrated in order to boost our immune systems and decrease the chances of getting sick, which is something we as student athletes try to avoid the most so we can be ready for game day. Within cold temperatures our sweat evaporates quicker because of the dry cold air, and this can lead to dehydration. In general hydration is an essential to maintain our bodies and stay healthy and it is important that we develop a good habit by drinking enough water throughout each day.


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