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The Associated Students and Faculty (AS&F) and Student Engagement

ASU Paw Print

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

ASU Student: Keaton Gregg

Adams State is a university filled to the brim with diverse student populations. One of the most important things that need to happen in order for students to take advantage of diverse perspectives, is for students to get involved with campus activities. The legislative body of the Associated Students and Faculty (AS&F) has spent the larger portion of the year attempting to broaden the horizon for students to get involved by offering opportunities for students to get involved with such events. Coming out of the pandemic, the AS&F government took several hits that put them at a disadvantage when attempting to accomplish this goal.

A large portion of funding had been cut from the office, as well as the fact there was no president leading into the academic year. The position, and the executive board, were not filled until the year had already started. With that being said, once the positions were filled in the first couple weeks, the government has taken off like a tornado in their attempts to resurrect the office.

Major movements from the body have ranged from being a part of campus events, to hosting some of their own. The ones with significant magnitude include their presence at the Trunk or Treat, in which they created three distinguished games with several prizes and candy for children to choose from, as well as their elaborate display of music, decorations, and smoke, to give all the children that attended spooky chills. Additionally, their large event for the semester, Tacos and Title IX was nothing short of a major hit on campus. With over 450 students and faculty in attendance, English professor Kathleen Chavez and alumni Vera Jo Bustos enjoyed talking to students over a catered dinner about the importance of Title IX on campus. The event allowed students from all different backgrounds to come together over food and discuss complex issues on gender equality on campus in a constructive manner. As the semester cools down, the government is now working on their holiday goal tree, located in the student union building, where they are tabling for students to write a personal goal of theirs to be added to their holiday tree displayed for the whole campus to see, as well as partnering with the Grizzly Activity Board (GAB) to hold fun day events for students to destress from finals.

The most important function of the AS&F government is to encourage student life and engagement. This can include both hosting, or funding clubs and departments around campus to hold their own events. The only way these events are able to become possible however is by the students of their government who are willing to put in the work to hold the events. The AS&F government attempts to have proper diversity in their voting government, and therefore are accepting senator applications from all departments. To receive a senator application to be on the government you can either collect a physical application from the AS&F office, located in the CoRE center of the Student Union Building or email President Villagomez at The body looks great on graduate school or work applications, and the commitment for the government is only two one hour meetings a month. Hopefully, through their efforts, next semester holds the same energy of student engagement.


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