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ASU Paw Print

ASU Student: Kayla Harris

Space a dark sky that seems lonely. My escape from life was with you now that you are no

longer here is my escape space? Ever since the solar system was created I have felt a

connection with the moon for what seems like billions of years. I know you have not been up

there for 4.6 billion years but down here on earth has felt like forever without you. Gravity is the

force that keeps objects grounded and stable. Gravity is so strong that black holes are

examples of how strong strong gravity can be. Black holes are so dense that they absorb all

objects nearby. You absorbed our help as a family when you were going through times that we

thought you were not going to make it out. You are my definition of strong. You made a positive

impact on people’s life, not like asteroids that are moving fast and fiery and trying to destroy

something but more cloud-like , soft, gentle, fluffy you healed people before healing yourself and

in my eyes you are selfless. It is completely silent in space. I wonder how you are dealing with

that because you hate silence and now I realize why, when it is silent around you, all you can do

is think and sometimes your thoughts are eating at your mind. It saddens me that you passed

the day before I came home from college, my little sister texting me that you were gone on

December 11, 2018 still plays in my mind when I hear silence. The emptiness I felt. I just

wanted you to hold on for one more day so I can tell you that “I love you more one last time”

Damn twin.

Two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space they will permanently bond. On earth that

is not possible because of the air and water. June 12th June 14th our birthdays being two days

apart Both of us being Gemini’s and that means twins in Latin you could have been my twin

flame and I would have never known but now that you are gone it makes sense.

A memory that I will remember for a lifetime that made me love basketball that much more.

Remember when I was a senior in high school and I did not have any offers because I was not a

student, only an athlete? I remember telling you that I got called to take an official visit to SUU

and the first person I wanted to take was you. We waited for this very moment and it felt right

sharing it with you. Upon arrival all you talked about was how proud you were of me and no

matter what happened how much you loved me. Seeing that campus and the smile it brought to

your face made me excited. I knew you cared about my dreams as if they were yours. It was

never about me going to SUU, it was more that I have never had anyone proud of me the way

you were. Even though I never went to SUU after you passed, I received an email you wrote

about that day. Everything I have been doing in life since you passed has been for you.

The moon gets its light from the sun. Sometimes it is only between three and twelve percent

that shine so brightly. I am the moon and you are my sun, I am a reflection of you even though

you are not my birth mother. It sure as hell felt like it.God mom never felt right when I addressed

you. My only intention is to make you proud and to never get sucked into the black hole

because you taught me how to be stronger than that. You told me my future was bright and to

always follow my dreams no matter what obstacles I hit in life and now I have a question for you

with you being around 200 billion trillion stars how bright is my future now?

Mom: Your three year death anniversary was 3 days ago. I'm 21 years old now and I am still in

school. I still play basketball. I’m almost grown. I'm supposed to be taking care of you for all the

years you did for me. Even though I can’t help you, I make sure to help other people cause that


what you would’ve did. I’m no longer upset, I'm now understanding, I understand that being

strong applied more when you left earth. I understand to love as hard as I can while people are

still here because people tend to love someone more when they're gone. I miss you and I wish

you could come visit for an hour maybe. Mom, remember space does not need you, I need you ,

but I will see you in another lifetime. “I love you more.”

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