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Nielson Library

ASU Paw Print

Paw Print Editor: Brianna Robles

It's getting towards that point of the semester when students begin to live at the library as finals are coming up the Nielson Library seems to become the most popular place on campus. Some beneficial factors students should be aware of are the hours the Nielson Library will be open and available for them to use the labs, reserve a room, work on homework, and even finish up an assignment, or rent books.

For students to be able to reserve a room student must log online on head over to the student life tab and click on the section titled Neilson Library. This will then open up a tab allowing students to click on the section that says reservations where students can then fill out a form to request a private room to study in. On this form, students can request a room of their choice and also request the use of technology such as a computer, smart board, whiteboard, and even a lab environment, which is desktop computing for participants. Students not only have access to private study rooms but have access as well to reserve books. On the Nielsen Library webpage, students can search for a book by its title and see if it is available to rent from the library. Students have the option to access the book online or use a hard copy is available to borrow from the library.

Students can also request special accommodations to take tests at the testing center. At the Grizzly Testing & Learning Center, students have access to testing services as well as peer tutoring in a low-stress environment all they have to do is go to the testing center, which is located on the second floor of the Neilson Library, and set up a time and day to take advantage of the testing services and peer tutoring that is available.

Currently, the Spring 2023 Hours Nielsen Library is open Wednesdays 8 am - 11 pm, Thursdays 8 am - 11 pm, Fridays 8 am - 5 pm, Saturdays 1 pm - 5 pm, and Sundays 1 pm - 11 pm. Students can access the library during these times to get assignments done, study for tests, or even get ahead of their schoolwork.


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